Size X Male kland brand at Costco in bulk super cheap last forever also this stuff is just great in general you can use it for oil coas in the mirror having a puppy is literally the worst thing for her for having a even t of like underlying health issues a lot of inflammation of my joints just like weird health issues for people my age so I've been kind of trying different diets I have been trying differ
ent like activity levels and exercise and and things like that to try to like heal my body from the inside Size X Male Benefits out essentially and so I decided to try keto and like 99.9 percent of the time I'm so incredibly careful with what I eat and I am incredible ly careful English is hard I'm incredibly careful with what I purchased just because I like to live the most ethical lifestyle possible so when you think of keto you think standard American diet you think bacon and eggs and avocado pretty much and like salmon lots of omega-3s and all those healthy things however I have not done keto in the way that some
body coming from a standard American diet would just because and for those of you don't know what ke Size X Male Side Effects to is I should start with that it's pretty much a very high fat diet moderate protein and low carb so before y'all freak out about okay so quick side now to feel hear any noise we have a 13 week old puppy and the house two crazy cats and my man over there what I was gonna say my fiancee the worst of all they have the absolute worst most high-maintenance but anyways I'm just gonna go through these in no particular order and talk about like what I use them for primarily how often I consume the love that good stuff so the first thing I'm gonna start with because people are like we can all carbs Encanto sugar at stops is my favorite like semi healthy sweetener I do not use this in everything I consume just because I'm trying to adapt my taste buds to not need as much sweet food at this
point in time like I'm not even a full week into eating completely like clean keto I have over the past couple weeks started integrating more like keto esque foods into my diet but this has been the first w Size X Male BUY eek that I'm completely like 100% strict with it I like stevia in the raw it's like a naturally sourced zero calorie sweetener I feel like I'm in an infomercial but this stuff is great I use it of baking I put it in tea sometimes I put it in like unsweetened high-fat vegan yogurt and other things like that I have used this on a lot of baking that I've made for Chris who is not keto currently because we have a lot of carbs in the house to get through but he's actually gonna be trying the keto diet with me as well again vegan and gluten-free because I have celiac disease so I'm not gonna like cook something we can't both eat so yeah it sounds very restrictive but just like give it a minute and I'll show you guys we eat quite a lot of food the next three things they're very similar so this is golden roasted flax seed this is pretty much it these aren't like whole flax seeds I like one they're already like ground down because then I can use this like directly in cooking I can put this in a mix with like chia seeds and have em seeds and make a chia pudding so I just find that this is the better product to purchase however if you guys want to like grind your own black seeds feel free to get pull ones but this is just my favorite brand I get this um Costco it's really affordable and this bag like will literally last me like six to nine months because there's so much in here that's a very similar product is chia seeds for those who are skeptical about chia pudding hemp seeds flax seeds all of that like the good thing about this is that you can mix it into baking and it adds more fat and adds more protein adds a little bit of crunch if you don't cook them too much it can also act just like a thickener and an egg replacement flax is really good for that as well so there's a lot of things you can do with this it's really diverse again I get this brand specifically it's like the Kirkland brand I get it at Costco very affordable and this bag will last me forever the next one again similar y'all could against it it's ten parts we got this at Costco as well we kind of love CrossFit for everything so pretty much almost everything you're gonna see in this video is from Costco it's just a good way to like save money I like to eat as many hemp hearts as I can because it has like the Omega threes and the Omega 6s that you really want to get but for us like we can't eat salmon because obviously we don't eat meat so we don't have like other animal product versions that can get us the same nutrients so I really like having these and all of these are pretty healthy the good thing is that for pretty much any carb that you get and Hennessy no or flax seeds it's gonna have you equivalent amount of fiber so it almost completely cancels itself out which is good to know the next thing is just premiu BLOGThere are no published blog posts yet.
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